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Divisions can be used in rCTF to segregate users into different scoreboards, with optional access control lists based on verified email addresses. Every user must be in exactly one division, although users can change their division at any time (provided the new division satisfies the ACL).

  • divisions is a map from a division ID to its human readable name shown in the UI.
  • defaultDivision is the division ID that new users will be placed into.
  • divisionACLs is a priority list of ACL elements. Only one element matches an email at a time, and each element contains match, value, and an allowed divisions list. If the divisions list contains multiple elements, the first element is used while registering.

Possible match values are:

  • domain: The value contains a domain which the user's email must be from.
  • email: The value contains an exact email which the user's must match.
  • regex: The value contains a RegEx used to match the user's domain.
  • any: All emails are matched. The value is ignored.

To define a list of divisions with no restrictions, set divisions and defaultDivision:

  open: Open
  hs: High School
  college: College
defaultDivision: open

To define a list of restricted divisions:

  corp: Example Corp
  open: Open
  - match: domain
      - corp
  - match: email
      - corp
  - match: any
    value: ''
      - open